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Learning World Transition Model for Socially Aware Robot Navigation

Results 4 model-based-social-navigation issues
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Hi, Does this repo include the code for robot control in a real environment?

[ ![8ALRMOIUO@MDE3CO@99BI W]( ](url)

Hello, When I am trying to launch the (/model_based_version/launch/start.launch), the 4 agents(turtlebot) simulate and direct toward the obstacles in the world(, followed by collision. The same happens with start_one.launch(model_based_version), start.launch(model_free_version)....

When the exploration is done and begin to Model Train I counter the following errors File "/home/lch/model-based-social-navigation/src/model_based_version/scripts/", line 784, in forward rotation_matrix = kornia.geometry.transform.get_rotation_matrix2d(center, delta_theta, scale).to(device) File "/home/lch/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kornia/geometry/transform/", line 346,...