Results 11 comments of ZHIDIHUAYUAN

Hi, could you please tell me more details about how macs2 estimate 'local background'? When I only focus on the peaks on chr6, could I only use the records of...

@taoliu Thanks for your help. I got the Sh4-1_control_lambda.bdg and Sh4-1_treat_pileup.bdg into IGV. The results were shown as follows: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66869156/140675565-5dbbaf00-307a-4555-9223-401de5157f6a.png) I also checked the peak again. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66869156/140675635-ef36472d-d141-46b1-9ac9-4a969fab0d4f.png) It seems that...

Hi, I also have the same problem when calling peaks. I have ATAC-seq data, and I want to call peaks using macs2. It seems that there is a peak at...

Hi, I found that when I set --min-length to 150, I got these peaks. I used the mode BEDPE, when I didn't set `--min-length`, it showed that the minimum length...

Thank you for your apply. But I still have some questions. For BEDPE mode, how does the software determine the min-length?

Hi, Thanks for your help. Because I am really only interested in the interaction between A and other regions, and I don't care about the interaction between other regions and...

Hi, In fact, my goal is to analysis the differences between the two alleles in MHC region. The data I have are sequences of two haplotypes assembled by myself in...

Can I conduct the normalization by chromsome(or MHC?) and not by genome-wide?

Hi, I have the same problem with you. When I used the full GTF file and a subset of the full GTF file, the results were different from each other....