> You should follow the notebook "Step4 - Imagenet Training.ipynb", and change the TRAIN_DIR, TEST_DIR and VAL_DIR as appropriate. Let me know if it doesn't work :) > > i...
i m getting this error (Found 0 images belonging to 0 classes.). do i have to put the images in a folder and wt should i name it? also i...
@xhh232018 I am trying to use multi GPUs for training,could you give me any advice on that? And when i trained on my datasets ,such ZeroDivisionError " Found 0 images...
@Mistariano Have you solved your problem?i have the same problem,thank you!
@Mistariano thank you very much! do you have the problem " Found 0 images belonging to 0 classes." when you train your datasets? very thanks! i need your help!