Francesco Massimo
Francesco Massimo
A small correction: it's not necessary to generate OpenMP tasks from those of another task system for the purpose of my project: one can simply generate the tasks only with...
Hello, thank you very much! We'll check those lines as soon as possible.
Hello, thank you for spotting this, I will soon push a fix for this compilation error. Meanwhile, can you try changing `smpi->reference_time` to `smpi->reference_time_` in the lines generating the error?...
Hello, some compilers do not recognise those variables as allowed variables in the OpenMP task directives. I am using clang 17.0, I have already compiled it before with intel 20....
Indeed, from the doc : ``` make config=omptasks # use OpenMP task parallelization, not supported by old compilers ```
I'll close the issue, feel free to reopen it in case of related questions.
Hello, the `M4` solver tries to mitigate the lowest order numerical Cherenkov radiation for a plasma drifting along `x` ( so I don't know if it will work well with...
Hello, I don't understand your point source was static? In that case the field was computed with the Poisson solver.
Interesting, the isotropic propagation seems to work as expected. For the case with two laser pulses, to understand if the boundary conditions are the problem, first I would try to...
Thank you, my theory at the moment is that the boundary conditions are not adapted to the `M4` solver. Can you try these tests? - rotate the laser polarisation by...