Mingyu Zhang

Results 4 issues of Mingyu Zhang

What's the function of the project2? Why my computer always display the windows "WorkFlow" but "ImageWarped"

胡博士您好: 冒昧打搅您,我是一名大四的学生,今年9月将要去中山大学电子与通信工程学院读研,目前想要联系一下郭裕兰老师。想问一下您知道郭裕兰老师的现在正在用的邮箱吗?我只找到郭老师在国防科技大学时期的邮箱。他现在转到中山大学电子与通信工程学院后,学院的官网没有老师的主页,而且老师的个人网站由于域名过期也无法访问。

hello, I met some questions in data processing. how can I convert positions_3d data to normalization data? position_2d data can be converted to [-1,1] using cameras' parameters "res_w" and "res_h",...

### 📚 The doc issue the results:[[-147.5, -128.5, 261.5], [-154.0, -129.0, 268.0], [-142.0, -129.5, 268.0], [-162.5, -131.0, 265.0], [-134.0, -137.5, 265.5],...] why x-axis and y-axis are negative number?And what's the...