
Results 7 comments of Z-Y00


hi, it seems that this have already been packed into Debian , and Ubuntu is supposed to port it into their official repo. https://packages.debian.org/source/buster/edb-debugger https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/edb-debugger but you may still wanna...

just a update of the Readme , to help users to get back quickly

Maybe you need to configure the search time? I think they have much longer search time in their paper than the default config in this repo.

Hi, I'm a little bit late. But did you guys figure out how to gen 20Bilion Edges data? or if there is any thing else that can do it? @zjpjack...

@Koesters Thanks, this works for me, and a minor correction, at current date, the ```jaxlib==0.1.57+cuda112``` doesn't exist. use ```jaxlib==0.1.57+cuda111``` instead

同学~~ 项目的作者已经毕业了,项目应该不会有更新了,如果你愿意欢迎来贡献代码 现在这个项目维护的比较好~~ 欢迎到这边来提供插件 https://github.com/updateing/minieap