I am having the issue of "No project" This could be fixed with i.e. "search-path": ``` "projects": [ { "name": "MyProject", "description": "MyProject Master Project", "icon": "globe", "path": "~/Source/MyProject/MyProject.code-workspace", "search-path":...
``` "projects": [ { "name": "MyProject", "description": "MyProject Master Project", "icon": "globe", "path": "~/Source/MyProject/MyProject.code-workspace", "search-path": "~/Source/MyProject" } ] ``` Has the same path search behavior as if you used: ```...
The issue can be fixed in a few lines of code. You add a *second key* which allows to specify the project root and code-workspace separately. So we have *optionally*...
@timothyschoen It might be neat if the power/mute button had a theme color to remind you when the DAW is not sending any audio blocks in. The power button's highlight...
The IBM OutputColorizer extension is extremely useful and I've become accustomed to the extra functionality provided by its highlighting. Due to this problem, I have never been able to use...
What year is this, 2003? It's been **decades** since I used a DAW that didn't support plugins with Audio IN + MIDI output. Maybe you got wrong information because you...