
Results 3 issues of Yveske

## Describe the bug The picture below says it all. The path itself remains without spaces, while internally Avalonia expects underscores. ## To Reproduce Make a new solution with spaces...


The process is started (the timeline advances) but the bed and hotend don't start heating.

System.MissingMethodException HResult=0x80131513 Message=Method not found: 'Void SkiaSharp.SKPath.Transform(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix)'. Source=Avalonia.Skia StackTrace: at Avalonia.Skia.TransformedGeometryImpl..ctor(GeometryImpl source, Matrix transform) at Avalonia.Skia.GeometryImpl.WithTransform(Matrix transform) at Avalonia.Media.Geometry.get_PlatformImpl() at Avalonia.Media.DrawingContext.DrawGeometry(IBrush brush, IPen pen, Geometry geometry) at Avalonia.Controls.Shapes.Shape.Render(DrawingContext context) at...