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Monocular Depth Prediction

Enforcing geometric constraints of virtual normal for depth prediction.

[NEW] Training codes have been uploaded!

This repository contains the source code of our paper: Yin Wei, Yifan Liu, Chunhua Shen, Youliang Yan, Enforcing geometric constraints of virtual normal for depth prediction (accepted for publication in ICCV' 2019).

Some Results

NYU_Depth kitti_Depth SurfaceNormal




  • State-of-the-art performance: The comparisons with other SOTA methods on NYU and KITTI are illustrated as follow. The published model trained on NYU can achieve 10.5% on absrel. cmp_NYU_Depth cmp_kitti_Depth


  • Please refer to Installation.


  • NYUDV2 The details of datasets can be found here. The Eigen split of labeled images can be downloaded here. Please extract it to ./datasets. Our SOTA model is trained on the around 20K unlabled images.

  • KITTI The details of KITTI benchmark for monocular depth prediction is here. We use both the official split and Eigen split. You can find the filenames here.

Model Zoo

  • ResNext101_32x4d backbone, trained on NYU dataset, download here
  • ResNext101_32x4d backbone, trained on KITTI dataset (Eigen split), download here
  • ResNext101_32x4d backbone, trained on KITTI dataset (Official split), download here
  • ImageNet pretrained weight, download here.


# Run the inferece on NYUDV2 dataset
 python  ./tools/ \
		--dataroot    ./datasets/NYUDV2 \
		--dataset     nyudv2 \
		--cfg_file     lib/configs/resnext101_32x4d_nyudv2_class \
		--load_ckpt   ./nyu_rawdata.pth 
# Test depth predictions on any images, please replace the data dir in
 python  ./tools/ \
		--dataroot    ./ \
		--dataset     any \
		--cfg_file     lib/configs/resnext101_32x4d_nyudv2_class \
		--load_ckpt   ./nyu_rawdata.pth 

If you want to test the kitti dataset, please see here


# Run the inferece on NYUDV2 dataset
 python  ./tools/ \
		--dataroot    ./datasets/NYUDV2 \
		--dataset     nyudv2 \
		--cfg_file     lib/configs/resnext101_32x4d_nyudv2_class 
                #--load_ckpt *.pth

### Citation

@inproceedings{Yin2019enforcing, title={Enforcing geometric constraints of virtual normal for depth prediction}, author={Yin, Wei and Liu, Yifan and Shen, Chunhua and Yan, Youliang}, booktitle= {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, year={2019} }

@article{yin2021virtual, title={Virtual Normal: Enforcing Geometric Constraints for Accurate and Robust Depth Prediction}, author={Yin, Wei and Liu, Yifan and Shen, Chunhua}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)}, year={2021} }

## Other works :)
We have done a new work to aim to solve the generalization problem of monocular depth prediction. Please refer to following link. :)
- Paper: DiverseDepth: Affine-invariant Depth Prediction Using Diverse Data
- Code:

### Contact
Wei Yin: [email protected]