[View Rendered Text](https://github.com/YuriTu/estree/blob/feat-brand-check/experimental/class-brand-check-expression.md) --- This PR adds support on stage-1 [Proposal-class-brand-check](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-class-brand-check). This PR is very similar to [class property access expressions](https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/experimental/class-access-expressions.md), but `class brand check expressions` does not require a...
| Q | A | ------------------------ | --- | Fixed Issues? | Darft https://github.com/tc39/proposal-class-brand-check | Patch: Bug Fix? | No | Major: Breaking Change? | No | Minor: New Feature?...
“仅仅忍辱负重并不能真正促进社会和行业向好的方向发展,公开本案,并且客观、真诚地讨论,才是更理性的选择。” 此事已过,希望贺老未来的生活越来越好
Hi~ I have a table want to render in pdf. in my CSS file, I set font size 26px, after rendering pdf, the result is smaller. I'm confused, nodeElement to...
hello kinoaa : 看到了你的文章 https://juejin.cn/post/6935627673989283848 感觉和我团队的技术栈非常匹配,故诚邀一叙~ 这边团队也在做前端进行图片编解码、压缩编辑加解密的相关技术,对于高压缩率图片avif、heic以及动图编辑器 awebp\apng\gif也有相关积累,相信会有你感兴趣的技术栈。 此外团队内也涉及多媒体、边缘计算等其他方向技术广度有保证。 如果有兴许的话期望您能与我联系。邮箱:[email protected] 、 wx:yuri_t12 . 祝好~