楼主你好,我想问一下对于这种既有分类器又有判别器的架构,可不可以先把所有的loss都backward()之后,再一次执行判别器,分类器,生成器等等模块的optimizer.step() 因为我之前自己实现CVAE-GAN的时候,先执行C的zero_gard,再执行loss_C.backward(),然后再执行optimizer_C.step(),按照同样步骤运行到D的backward就会报错,但是先把所有loss都bankward之后再更新参数就没报错 所以这种backward+step的步骤 顺序是绑定的吗 按照我那种方式统一step可不可以- -
我在做一个表情迁移模型,希望可以检测更多的面部AU,但我的迁移模型是基于单个图片而不是视频,所以预训练的AU-RCNN可以检测单张图片吗 还是要重新训练
``` AU12 - OF None | Forward | ./Demo\000.jpg : 0.5 AU12 - OF None | Forward | ./Demo\001.jpg : 0.5 AU12 - OF None | Forward | ./Demo\002.jpg :...
Hi The results of inversion seems not good as the paper. Did you know what the qusetion is?
Hi I try to run this code but got bad results. I also try to use vgg loss followed by lpips loss ,however the result is not as good as...
Could you share some method/repo that predict the smpl mesh from the calibrated multi-view cameras?