Results 7 issues of Yugansh Tyagi

Android studio says --cannot resolve symbol "devadvance"--

The "HexagonView" , "DiamondView" and "PentagonView" are not showing up , they are just transparent

Is there a way to unescape the `text` we get from the `Event` object, so that when we send back the message to slack they actually mention the user/group?

This is my layout structure But I am getting layout not allowed here and also when I run the app LogCat gives me java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "io.rmiri.skeleton.skeletonGroup" on path:...

Is there any way to override the size and color of the `Title` and `Description` in the `SlideFragment` ??

Is it possible to fetch the album art of the music file and set to another jpeg/png image?
