The circuit drawing feature is not yet there in the library, right? or it is that I have an older distribution, Also, can someone tell me what the schedule is...
> Add a section to the README providing a few resources for folks who are just getting started with fitting and interpreting impedance data. As maintainers, we don't prioritize helping...
Although I will give it a try myself tomorrow, but for now I think you can try increasing the value of inductance in the initial guess.
> > Although I will give it a try myself tomorrow, but for now I think you can try increasing the value of inductance in the initial guess. > >...
What I got in the first try: `from impedance.models.circuits import CustomCircuit` `import numpy as np` `import pandas as pd` `import matplotlib.pyplot as plt` `initial_guess=[0.01,0.01,100,0.01,0.05,100,1,1,0.1]` `c=CustomCircuit("R0-p(R1,C1)-p(R2-Wo1,C2)-p(L1,R3)",initial_guess=initial_guess)` `df=pd.read_csv("../exampleData.csv")` `gthbdata=df.to_numpy()` `datanew=np.transpose(gthbdata)` `freq=datanew[0]` `z_data=datanew[1]+1j*datanew[2]`...
> > What I got in the first try: > > `from impedance.models.circuits import CustomCircuit` `import numpy as np` `import pandas as pd` `import matplotlib.pyplot as plt` > > `initial_guess=[0.01,0.01,100,0.01,0.05,100,1,1,0.1]`...
yes I put the exact same initial guess (and the same elements) as you showed in the code in your very first snapshot in the question. YOUR SNAPSHOT of CODE:...
Yeah, that is the main problem. I will let you know here, If I get any solutions for this. (And also, please don't quote the previous comments in the chat,...
Where do you obtain this data (filei.csv') from? 1. Is it from some experiments? 2. Or, it is some synthetic data, that you, yourself have generated by simulating the exact...
You are more interested in the semicircle part (that forms because of the p(R2,C1) part of the total circuit), I don't have any idea at the moment about how you...