> For now Paddle FL runs on only PaddlePaddle 1.8.0. Supporting PaddlePaddle 2.0 is on our near plan, FYI. 你好,我想问下现在PaddleFL适用于PaddlePaddle1.8.5吗?我尝试在Ubuntu上用`pip install paddlepaddle==1.8.0` 或者`python3 -m pip install paddlepaddle==1.8.0 -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple`安装cpu1.8.0版本失败了,目前只能用pip安装到最低版本为1.8.5
Updates: The above error is solved by `apt-get install libmkldnn-dev libmkldnn1` But another error occurs: ``` root@db18d9071604:/PaddleFL/build# cmake ../ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/root/miniconda/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=/root/miniconda/include/python3.7m -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++ -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0...
> We are working on building with higher version of gcc. > Before that please try building with gcc 4.8.5. > Sorry for the inconvenience. Got it.Thanks for your reply!...
> Can you try to double check the version of PaddlePaddle by `print(paddle.__version__)`, and check the output of `from paddle.fluid import load_op_library` ? ``` root@7b51df152217:/# python3 Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar...
> Multiple paddlepaddle with different versions (GPU and CPU) have been installed. You should reinstall paddlepaddle1.8.0. > > 1. Uninstall: `pip uninstall paddlepaddle`, `pip uninstall paddlepaddle-gpu` > 2. Check: `import...
> > While after executing pip install paddle_fl, my paddlepaddle version is automatically upgraded into 2.1.0. > > 2.1.0 is the version of paddlepaddle-gpu. > > After `pip install paddle_fl`,...