Ni Yuanyuan
Ni Yuanyuan
Hi: @kehao-chen 'management-ip-config' should be created before using update command, but now it has something wrong with creating function, for more information,pls refer: Best wishes.
Hi, @myers-dev , this command works well as below, and my CLI version is 2.37.0, maybe you can update to it and try again: az network firewall network-rule create --collection-name...
Hi, @myers-dev It cannot be reproduced in 2.34.1, and my command is :"az network firewall network-rule create --collection-name XXX --priority 500 --action allow --destination-ports XXX --firewall-name XXX --name XXX --protocols...
Hi, 'az monitor app-insights query -- --output json/yaml 'works well , notice that when the query command with --output table has no results , the result will be in the...
Hi, The --output table here are different with the common table we think .As the output is an object , so CLI does not support this command to output in...