PSI 已经支持,但还未开源。
> 我尝试运行三维tensor相乘,在tensorflow中,只需要第一个维度相同,得到结果是后面两个维度相乘。但Rosetta似乎不支持? 报错: ValueError: Shape must be rank 2 but is rank 3 for 'RttMatmul' (op: 'RttMatmul') with input shapes: [2,2,3], [2,3,2]. 代码如下: > > ``` > #!/usr/bin/env python3 >...
> Just because cmake is up to date does not mean that the C++ toolchain is also up to date. Error messages are more obvious, such as: #error This compiler...
> Thank you, that fixed the first command. However, when I run `./rosetta.sh install` I now have the following message: > > ``` > WARNING: Requirement 'dist/*.whl' looks like a...
> Unfortunately I'm still encountering the same error after running the two commands in the root directory of the project. > > I checked the `.gitmodules` file and the corresponding...
> When you say the "compile output log" do you mean just redirecting all the standard error output to a text file? > > I ran ` ./rosetta.sh compile --enable-protocol-mpc-securenn`...
> 执行命令“./rosetta.sh compile --enable-protocol-mpc-securenn && ./rosetta.sh install”后出现如下的错误,请问这是哪里出错了呢?  应该是编译时出现错误了,可以检查一下编译输出日志看下是否存在一些编译 Error 。