Yu Man Tam
Yu Man Tam
I have exactly the same issue. The problem seems to have nothing to do with ```requests-ntlm```. I believe, for ```https```, somehow ```urllib3``` (or ```requests```) encounters the error before it uses...
See my hack here if this is helpful: https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/1434#issuecomment-430284381
I had exactly the same issue and found a hack. It has nothing to do with the OS. The source of this issue lies in ```http.client```. When an ```https``` request...
The relevant modification is commented with “Experimentation connections” and the three import modules sspi, base64, win32api. I think I only modified the function _tunnel. It has been a while since...
> @YuMan-Tam your snippet worked well. I did this: > > * copied and reworked `requests-ntlm` library into `requests-ntlm2` library > > * when `requests-ntlm` and/or `urllib3` finally addresses this...
I encountered exactly the same problem. The solution works perfectly. Thank you!
Yes, thank you for the quick fix. It is possible that there's some changes in the tensorflow version in the Colab so the data shape is no longer valid. The...
@mirayoon : I have the same issue, but a try-catch block loop until successful like @xbrl-data mentioned will work.
Encountered the same error with newer python version. @jonas-eschle's method works.