Try this method. It may solve the problem. At least it looks like this on my side: Old configuration: ``` optimization: { splitChunks: { // 将多入口的公共部分单独打包 minChunks: 2, cacheGroups: {...
感谢作者的建议, 我之后尝试一下, 谢谢
可以, 但是在IOS上显示有一个bug Duplicate of #338
我期间换了个三个, 这是第四个, 也是比较满意的一个了, 其他的那几个都有点问题
@NathanHennigh This problem also exists in my project. Is your problem solved?
It seems that I can only hide it by modifying the style of CSS.
ok, thanks for the answer.
@LuoooB 这个已经托管在网上了,怎么能用本地的呢,我觉得本地用不了的,必须上传到网上