Thanks, but that didn't help. It's still spitting out the same error.
Ok, I used this [`chmod -R a+rwx /Volumes/WD2TB/Media/`] command to allow everyone to read and/or write to the config and media folders, and then deleted the `artemis` and `lucene` folders....
I've rebooted and removed every running task that I wasn't using. Aaaand it's still there. I'll quickly see what happens if I try to create a new database.
Ok, it does create the database, the log files, and the artemis folder, but when it gets to the lucene rebuild. Same error.
Ok, shall do.
This is the output of `lsof | grep "/Volumes/WD2TB/"` while komga is on (after the error): ``` com.docke 771 antariksh 113r DIR 1,12 131072 298492 /Volumes/WD2TB/Media/Data/Komga/Config com.docke 771 antariksh 114r...
> You mention Kavita, this is komga. You also don't explain what the symptoms are. "killed my server" doesn't mean much. Oh, sorry! I'll fix the kavita mix-up, and add...
> Check your directory permissions. Your log gives you hints about stuff to look at. Theres a file not found error for Journal. Thanks! But the log excerpt which I...
## Fixed! (almost) I created an `application.yml` file containing the following: ``` # Only keep lines that are relevant to you! # Lines starting with # are comments # Make...
It just happened to me as well, exactly the same error message: `subprocess.TimeoutExpired: Command '['ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-y', '-i', PosixPath('GH010076.MP4'), '-codec', 'copy', '-map', '0:2', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-']' timed out after 10...