I have found an bug! The collider descriptions aren't actually added to rigid bodies, but rather, a new rigid body is created with the collider description. Causing a lot of...
Have you tried "use bevy_rapier3d::prelude::*"? that was what worked for me. I didn't try building the examples, I only updated the library code. A friend of mine did try to...
Yeah, sure, I'll have some spare time tomorrow I'll try to get the examples running
Yep, I noticed this too. Since I've recently started work on a Bevy project, I'm going to attempt to migrate it, we'll see how that goes.
I have managed to get my project compiling with Blender_Bevy_Toolkit after I edited it to run on the most recent version of Bevy and Rapier. I will check if the...
The pull request is submitted, waiting on tests from sdfgeoff, but if you're really itching to use this project now, my fork should be compatible with the most recent version...
Hmm. This might be worth looking deeper into, to be honest I sort of lost interest in this project when I tried to create a collision mesh for a half...