
Results 13 issues of Minjung_You

I want to make .exe file in Windows 10. so, I tried to use pyinstaller. (Pyinstaller Version : 4.0) When I make exe file, I used this command. **pyinstaller -F...

Hi. I'm trying to make a map using own video. I tested several times, but when I turned approximately 90 degree, almost 80% program is LOST. **It works fine when...

Hi. I imported the extracted BVH file at the Maya and 3D Max. but It occurred import error. Is there a way to extract the bvh files that can be...

Hi. I want to get the image frame from the video stream URL. I wrote the code refer to "videoio example" and "https://forum.unity.com/threads/released-opencv-for-unity.277080/page-55#post-7427405". However, I failed to load video stream....

I want to convert mat to byte using 'opencv for unity'. but I don't know the way... can you help me??? Is there any idea??

When I used "FBX Exporter", I got error message. The error message is like below. ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length)...

Hi! I want to make the dataset from own imu sensor. When I record the data, what should I do? I should shake the sensor? or just put the sensor...

Hi. Thank you for your code. Current, I'm tested with **MPU9250BasicAHRS.ino**. I'm using the **MPU9250 and Arduino nano**. This is the first result when I execute the program. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MPU9250:...

### Issue Summary I did downloaded the openpose_unity_plugin and then do the instruction. getPlugins.bat -> getModels.bat -> copy the OpenPosePlugin folder into my unity project asset folder. And then I...

Hi. when I tested with EuRoC dataset, I get the good result. So I want to test with own data. I collected camera images and imu data with timestamp. My...