Andreas B
Andreas B
+1 for root dir access functionality
> @YouKnowBlom > CODEC name [`fLaC`]( have not been implemented in `HlsCodecStringFactory.cs` Do we allow FLAC over HLS? If so that seems like a design flaw as it shouldn't be...
Is this still an issue on the unstable receiver? I've tweaked the device profiles to remove support for the codecs supported via passthrough only @Pegasystem
Gen 2 have the same hardware iirc so unless the 2.4GHz wifi limit is the bottleneck they should have the same issues
The problem is that I don't _think_ canDisplayType can tell if you have something to passthrough or not so I think it returns true no matter what. I think eac-3...
Cause webvtt is already supported :p
Not sure if it is still supported but the program is still available here (you can also find it under releases at the top of the page)
If I remember correctly the support for images was ripped out during the CAF migration (and wasn't working very well to begin with). With that said it shouldn't be too...
Does it happen only on external SRT subs?
Does the text have a black background behind it?