楼主的app非常赞,设计感十足,而且真的非常干净,唯一的遗憾就是不能设置屏保。 建议参考这个实现一下,非常感谢带给我们这么好的app。 https://www.jianshu.com/p/adc67b631e5c
rt 甚至在请求和连接里面看不到 openai 或者 ChatGPT,但是其他网站又是好的,比如YouTube,Google。现象就是仪表盘的 IP 检测到的是本地的联通或者电信的 IP,而不是机房的 IP。 之前有可以访问的时候,IP 是机房的 IP,无法复现了
app 真的棒!最近最漂亮,最好用的工具。求求大佬加入naive proxy支持,通过自定义内核就行!
I used Yass's SOCKS5 proxy with Clash to run NaiveProxy on my Mac and implemented traffic splitting, which was fantastic—almost the most elegant method. However, there's an unfriendly aspect of...
### Please make sure of the following things - [X] I have read the [documentation](https://alist.nn.ci). 我已经阅读了[文档](https://alist.nn.ci)。 - [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions. 我确定没有重复的issue或讨论。 - [X]...
There may be compatibility issues with Logi Options , which could make Mac Mouse Fix Invalid [bug]
## Description My mouse is anywhere 3S. When Logi Options is installed on my MacBook air (M2, 15.0.1), Mac mouse fix will not function properly, but Mos can coexist with...