Yingzi Zhang 张樱子
Yingzi Zhang 张樱子
Hi @lzj1769 , I used `rgt-hint` to do footprinting analysis. The command I used was `rgt-hint differential --organism hg38 --bc --nc 20 --standardize --mpbs-files condition1.bed,condition2.bed --reads-files condition1.bam,condition2.bam --conditions condition1,condition2 --output-prefix...
> @minashaigan > > Any ideas about this issue? Dear Zhijian, Thank you very much for the reply. I am looking forward to your feedback! If it is more suggested...
Hi @minashaigan and @lzj1769 , Thank you for the answering. DifferentialAnalysis.py greatly helps also. My customizing plot works very well. Many thanks, Yingzi
Hi Dario, I tried ``` goto chr11:2699098-2699099 filterVariantReads -r 2699098+1 awk '$CIGAR ~ "I" || $CIGAR ~ "D"' print > test.chr11:2699098-2699099.SV.txt ``` The awk `'$CIGAR ~ "I" || $CIGAR ~...
> This should keep reads having a variant at 2699098+1 AND and indel somewhere else, not necessarily at 2699098+1, though. To clarify, I need to keep reads having indels at...
> I think the error is the same bug @wdecoster noted in #31. Hopefully a resolution can be found there. > > The bedgraph input to methplotlib is slightly different...