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Afternoon, thanks very much for providing CARD to the community, its been very helpful. I had one question regarding the imputation process as I am seeing some strange behaviors for...
Hi there, Thank you for the great package! Could you please put it on Bioconductor, so that we could add it to the online book [Best Practices ST]( Sincerely, Estella
Hi there! Thanks for making and documenting such a nice package! Is there anyway you can rotate the spatial plots? Using the function copied below, I've been able to rotate...
@YingMa0107 @YMalab I would greatly appreciate your help with this error: > # Run CARD deconvolution > CARD_obj = CARD_deconvolution(CARD_object = CARD_obj) ## create reference matrix from scRNASeq... ## Select...
Hi YMa-lab, I would really like to use your CARD_SCMapping function but every time I try to use it I run into this error. Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE)...
@YingMa0107 @YMalab I am getting the following error **_QC on scRNASeq dataset! ... ## QC on spatially-resolved dataset! ... Error: There are no common gene names in spatial count data...
@YingMa0107 @YMalab I have exported tha RNA counts for both scRNA-seq and spatial data as dgCMatrix. **str(scRNA_seq_counts) Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots ..@ i : int [1:37279034]...
Hi developer, Thanks for developing such amazing package for ST analysis. After deconvolution by CARD, how to add the results of CARD object to Seurat data for downstream analysis ?...
Excellent work! I noticed that CARD requires the selection of informative genes for each cell type before proceeding with deconvolution. Therefore, I would like to know which genes are identified...
Hi, I have multiple slices from 6 patients. For ST data, I divided them into 3 groups (2 sample for each group). And I also integrate scRNA-seq by groups. For...