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Rotate CARD plots?
Hi there! Thanks for making and documenting such a nice package!
Is there anyway you can rotate the spatial plots?
Using the function copied below, I've been able to rotate the seurat-based images and projections. Is there a similar way to do this with CARD's plots?
`# flip_angle %in% c(180, "R90", "L90", "Hf", "Vf")
rotimat=function(foo,rotation){ if(!is.matrix(foo)){ cat("Input is not a matrix") return(foo) } if(!(rotation %in% c("180","Hf","Vf", "R90", "L90"))){ cat("Rotation should be either L90, R90, 180, Hf or Vf\n") return(foo) } if(rotation == "180"){ foo <- foo %>% .[, dim(.)[2]:1] %>% .[dim(.)[1]:1, ] } if(rotation == "Hf"){ foo <- foo %>% .[, dim(.)[2]:1] }
if(rotation == "Vf"){
foo <- foo %>%
.[dim(.)[1]:1, ]
if(rotation == "L90"){
foo = t(foo)
foo <- foo %>%
.[dim(.)[1]:1, ]
if(rotation == "R90"){
foo = t(foo)
foo <- foo %>%
.[, dim(.)[2]:1]
rotateSeuratImage = function(seuratVisumObject, slide = "slice1", rotation="Vf"){
if(!(rotation %in% c("180","Hf","Vf", "L90", "R90"))){
cat("Rotation should be either 180, L90, R90, Hf or Vf\n")
seurat.visium = seuratVisumObject
ori.array = (seurat.visium@images)[[slide]]@image
img.dim = dim(ori.array)[1:2]/(seurat.visium@images)[[slide]]@scale.factors$lowres <- c()
# transform the image array
for (rgb_idx in 1:3){ <- ori.array[,,rgb_idx] <- rotimat(, rotation) <- c(, list(
# construct new rgb image array
new.X.dim <- dim([1]
new.Y.dim <- dim([2]
new.array <- array(c([[1]],[[2]],[[3]]),
dim = c(new.X.dim, new.Y.dim, 3))
#swap old image with new image
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@image <- new.array
## step4: change the tissue pixel-spot index
img.index <- (seurat.visium@images)[[slide]]@coordinates
#swap index
if(rotation == "Hf"){
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagecol <- img.dim[2]-img.index$imagecol
if(rotation == "Vf"){
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagerow <- img.dim[1]-img.index$imagerow
if(rotation == "180"){
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagerow <- img.dim[1]-img.index$imagerow
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagecol <- img.dim[2]-img.index$imagecol
if(rotation == "L90"){
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagerow <- img.dim[2]-img.index$imagecol
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagecol <- img.index$imagerow
if(rotation == "R90"){
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagerow <- img.index$imagecol
seurat.visium@images[[slide]]@coordinates$imagecol <- img.dim[1]-img.index$imagerow
Hi @hcjarnagin,
Thank you for your interest in our package.
Currently the visualizations in CARD just plot the original coordinates. But you should be able to modify the CARD_obj@spatial_location
by rotating the coordinates, following Seurat's functions.
For example, assuming you want to rotate the coordinates by 90 degrees clockwise.
loc <- CARD_obj@spatial_location
loc$new_x <- loc$y
loc$new_y <- -loc$x
CARD_obj@spatial_location <- loc[,c("new_x","new_y")]
Now you can proceed with the usual plotting function in CARD using the updated spatial_location.
Hope this helps!
Best, Ying
Thanks, it worked perfectly for me. Also, when plotting with CARD.visualize.pie, I had to change the coord_fixed after I changed the coordinates in order to keep the plot ratio:
p1 <- CARD.visualize.pie(
proportion = CARD_obj@Proportion_CARD,
spatial_location = loc,
colors = colors,
radius = 0.52) +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1 * max(loc$x)/max(loc$y)) # initial setting
new setting: invert loc$x and loc$y if loc$new_x <- loc$y and loc$new_y <- loc$x put min(loc$x) instead of max(loc$x) if loc$ x <- -loc$x
Thank you so much for your comments and help with this! An error was thrown if I tried to add the coord_fixed() to the CARD plot after manipulating it once. Below is the code I got working to rotate and fix the image's ratio with no errors.
loc <- CARDobject@spatial_location
ggplot(loc, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
# Rotate the coordinates by 90 degrees
rotated_loc <- data.frame(
x = -loc$y, # Negating y and swapping x and y
y = loc$x
ratio <- 1 * min(rotated_loc$x) / max(rotated_loc$y)
# Apply the ratio to adjust the coordinates
rotated_loc$x_adj <- rotated_loc$x
rotated_loc$y_adj <- rotated_loc$y * ratio
rotated_loc$x <-NULL
rotated_loc$y <- NULL
names(rotated_loc)<-c("x", "y")
# Plot the adjusted coordinates
ggplot(rotated_loc, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
proportion =test@Proportion_CARD,
spatial_location = loc,
colors = colors,
radius = 3.0) + theme(legend.position = "right") + ggtitle(paste("Original"))
proportion = test@Proportion_CARD,
spatial_location = rotated_loc,
colors = colors,
radius = 3) + theme(legend.position = "right") + ggtitle(paste("Rotated"))