Thanks for your thoughts. About 3) : I didn't think about undo/redo, which is of course capital. But I think it's better to find a way to put every change...
I think this is really annoying to use the menu to add a new Action Cue. But having a shortcut for each type uses too much combinaisons. I propose this...
I've done some serious progress. It's really usable now, let's call it Beta version. The use of an Apply button allowed me to be very close of the Dialog Setting...
I'm really impressed. Seriously, this is so good. Bravo ! and thanks for the job, that makes such a difference.
+1 I have the same issue.
As written in #39, I did managed to use the H723 board version with klipper firmware. Here what I did : - Compile klipper firmware with following setup ( `make...
Hello, I updated klipper today, and I needed to update the firmware as well. Thanks to @vfbank comment, I did not need to plug a ST-LINK and could upgrade via...
I have a proprietary device with active high CS line, and you PR gave me great service. Thank you very much for your job. It would be nice to see...