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`python3 export.py --weights best.pt --img-size 1280 --rect --include onnx --data custom_dataset.yaml --device 0 --opset 12 --batch-size 1` Does export.py take "--rect" arguement?
Have you solved the issue? I now its little late but i am desperetly lokoking for solution. :)
> Have you solved the issue? I now its little late but i am desperetly lokoking for solution. :) Solved it, `rga_ctx->rga_handle = dlopen("/usr/lib/librga.so", RTLD_LAZY);` the librga.so location is wrong,...
Ok, i'll try and share the results asap! thank you.
> > hare the results asap! thank you. > > upgrade onnx==1.13.0, It works!!! Non quantized solution works. Thanks
> > Ok, i'll try and share the results asap! thank you. > > upgrade onnx==1.13.0, It works!!! Upgradng onnx is also works, thanks a lot.
Sorry guys, I've just able to deploy it and run the example, unfortunately i had no time to test accuracy of model.
> Hi, > > I have the same problem, i was try to updrade onnx==1.13.0 but show me same problem and when i use a Non quantized model another problem...
I dont think so, i trained yolov5n model for one class, and export to .onnx format. The reason for Output Shape: (1, 2268, 6), 6 is for x,y,w,h,confidence,class, if you...