Mathew Teague
Mathew Teague
Hi @jurepolutnik I have managed to resolve this error. What I did was find where my npm is located (default /usr/local/) then run the command 'sudo chown -R user_name /usr/local/'...
I was wondering how this issue is going as I too would like there to be a single file delete option. Thanks
I'm also getting this issue. I need this module to resolve the error `throw new Error('Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In ${filepath}');` Has there been...
I am also getting the same error on my mac. I'm running Node v19.3.0 and any show I try to download including the example `crunchyroll-dl -i` I get the...
Is there another way in the meantime to update the entity_id?
I'm also having this issue on a mini PC running a Intel N100 CPU. Z2M also ran perfectly fine on my Raspberry Pi 4. However I'm running a Proxmox VM....