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GMEdit copied to clipboard

A high-end code editor for GameMaker: Studio, GameMaker Studio 2.x, and more!

Results 20 GMEdit issues
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I have several objects that I create with `instance_create_layer` and assign variables to directly after, meaning that I get constant distracting warnings in the code within these objects that uses...

I noticed in my project that some variables are different colors than others, yet I couldn't really notice a difference between them. Is there anything that I'm missing? I'm going...




I'm not sure how hard this would be, but since Tiled can export to gm room files it might be cool to be able to open a room in it...


Making an issue of it because I imagine it's a large request. I'm in the process of converting a fairly large project into having type annotations. It's not always clear...


`foo = function(){}` highlights `foo` only when it is defined in the Create event in an object. Would be nice if it would support other events as well!


There is currently a bunch of small issues related to GMEdit not being actively aware of nested functions: * `with` disables semantic highlighting for implicit `self` variables (`fn()` vs `self.fn()`)...


The [web demo]( of [libarchivejs]( appears to successfully extract GMS1 GMZ files, therefore might be possible to integrate to support opening packaged GMS1 projects (much like how GMEdit already supports...


Expected no warnings here: ![image](



external bug