Yayo Arellano
Yayo Arellano
Added Flame articles by yayo code.
After calling the login method none of the methods in the listener are called. This happens sometimes not always. ``` java oFacebook.login(new OnLoginListener() { @Override public void onLogin(String s, List...
**Describe the bug** Wrong result when adding any number to -0 **To Reproduce** ``` const n1 = new bigDecimal('-0'); const n2 = new bigDecimal('10'); const diff1 = n1.add(n2); print(diff1.getValue()); //...
In the next fragment of code, why should we pass the path if is not required given that we already generated the required code and we pass in the assetLoader....
@Brixto There is an ongoing discussion about adding support for Gdx texture packer on the main Flame repo. Please take a look https://github.com/flame-engine/flame/issues/2589