Yave Yu

Results 29 issues of Yave Yu

I don't like sav file be stored in ROM folder :( SDL version I didn't see any config to set this.

Version: 0.9.9 Issue: The graphic of intro of _Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei II_ is messed up, how it looks like in Mesen: ![R6TVHJP_63CE2ABAGONPGSL](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54294476/82976447-af0d6400-a011-11ea-8c43-1fba2a02d496.png) How it should like (ignore...

It's... fluent square wave? This feature happens on Dendy, when game starts time2score in SMB1&3, these SFX is a fluent sound, not intermittent sound on original Famicom&NES. In NSFPlay, it...

Mesen-S dev build runs **King James Bible** makes inaccurate cursor SFX than other two high accuracy GBEmu: **Gambatte**, **BGB**.

~~12~~11 empty glyphs rest, so it could add these glyphs: 𫗰, U+2B5F0 𡚦, U+216A6 𪠽, U+2A83D

I used an 8-same-color palette as 512-color palette so any emphasises will "disappear". Unfortunately, outputed AVI doesn't have 512-color palette, it just like regular 64-color and internal emphasis coloring.

FDS: Like _Zelda 2_'s some SFXes, such as **Sword blocking**, **Boss crying**, here's sample: [FDSCompare.zip](https://github.com/TASVideos/fceux/files/6105684/FDSCompare.zip) MMC5: Current volume is louder than 2A03.

It's... fluent square wave? This feature happens on Dendy, when game starts time2score in SMB1&3, these SFX is a fluent sound, not intermittent sound on original Famicom&NES. In NSFPlay, it...

[Idea no Hi](https://spc.joshw.info/i/Idea%20no%20Hi%20(1994-03-18)(Office%20Koukan)(Shouei%20System)%5bSNES%5d.7z)'s title screen music (01 Day of the Idea) on SDL Mixer X has unpleasure audio bursting (?) effect, but other place of GME such as kode54's GME...
