Results 9 comments of Dmitry Marinin

Same issue, in collection view, what to do with it?

With added fixes of bounds TF

Nope. Project are in hold and not support anymore. You can feel free in fork and change code as you need :)

Тоже самое сегодня поймал, хотя вчера еще все собиралось. Вообще не понял юмора

Нашел в чем проблема. Добавь в linker setting -objc. Если же делаешь через SPM то придется добавлять это через .unsafeFlags(["-ObjC"])

same issue while use camera-streamer in Docker container... But I don't know how can we fix /boot/config.txt in any image? I'd try to use that images: `balenalib/rpi-raspbian:latest`, `balenalib/raspberrypi4-64-debian`

Hi! Try connecting via usb. I have the same problem. So far, the solution is only in usb 😰

@foosel Hi! Did you find to solve issue? I'd the same problem on my Pi4 with camera OV5647