> 中文没有办法了吗 他的意思应该是让你说英文?
> 我想问下 实际操作下来 可以克隆自己的声音来读文章是行得通吗 可以的,自己玩一下没什么问题。
> **🚀 Feature Description** > > Right now (and correct me if I'm wrong) it seems that the [collab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1GiI4_X724M8q2W-zZ-jXo7cWTV7RfaH-?usp=sharing#scrollTo=zd2xo_7a8wyj) is the only way to fine-tune XTTS from zero (i.e. no...
> @Yaodada12 > > Check out these repos https://github.com/daswer123/xtts-finetune-webui https://github.com/Haurrus/xtts-trainer-no-ui-auto Thank you so much!
> ### Describe the bug > Hi, I ran the demo yesterday with no isses on colab. Today I try again with the same conditions but this time the best...
> It might be related to this one: [36143fe](https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS/commit/36143fee2625aac6c6b3f7c7d0e0b7d75800167a) > > If the speaker_file_path is None, it will try to load os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "speakers_xtts.pth") If checkoint_dir is also None, because it's...
> sometimes it didn't download all th 大佬666,你有尝试过用这套代码训练单个人的语音吗?
> I solved the problem by delete the "tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v2" model path and install tts0.22.0 ,it will redownload the model.Then you can get the speakers_xtts.pth I don't know why sometimes it...