
Results 8 comments of youkee

> Try this cfg file: []( > > I used > > ``` > [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 4, 'nearest']], > [11, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1]], # route backbone...

After I cleaned the cache file in the dataset file and train works.

Hi, I compile the tf_embedded mtcnn code on Ubuntu14.04 with Tensorflow1.4.0, I got same issue when run the binary file, but standalone mtcnn code works well. As to standalone mtcnn...

When I export the official model [yolov7]( to onnx with from **u5** git brach, then use opencvdnn to do inference job. It works well. But when I train the...

> Please check this issue, and someone export the onnx working with opencvDNN and onnxruntime in C++ or python.

> opencv dnn success run custom yolov7 > > 1 reparam trained > > `nc = 1 #change with your nc` `model = Model('cfg/deploy/yolov7.yaml', ch=3, nc=nc).to(device)` `for i...

The preprocess and the postprocess part for own trained model are different the inference demo code, and you have to update the demo code according to

从huggingface仓库看: 此版本为学术demo版,基于姜子牙[Ziya-LLaMA-13B-v1](训练而来(LLaMA权重的许可证限制,我们无法直接发布完整的模型权重,用户需自行合并) 就是说,需要模型合并