
Results 19 comments of liyanzhao

Just as this doc( shows, you should first create a NFS-type volumeStore, and then use this volumeStore to create docker volume. And this is the only way to create NFS...

It's ok to reconfigure the VCH. See the "Add Volume Stores" section in this doc:

It seems the windows shell could not parse special characters. Please try to use quote like `--volume-store "nfs://"`

1. you can use `--name VCH_NAME`. And also to find the id, you can use `vic-machine-linux ls` 2. In linux, please use single quote `--volume-store 'nfs://'`

It is probably due to failing to connect the nfsserver. - Please make sure the nfs-server work well, which means you can mount it. - Check the vch's tether.debug. Download...

That'r really weird. 1. Have you ever tested mounting your nfs-server manually in your local host? Like `mount -t nfs LOCALDIR` 2. If OK, please collect vch bundle logs...

em... We didn't support change volume-stores. Thanks again for your use-case. It seems we should not store the configuration info if we failed to mount the nfs-store.

We don't support other ways. But why do you need move all of the data?

@aviratna It seems that the tmpfs `/mnt/containerfs/` was used up. And it looks like a bug that the computed size is not large enough in I'll try to fix...

@aviratna @malikkal It seems the size is still not large enough. BTW, Is the `rhel-7.7` same as `cento-7`, or is there only difference between kernel ?