
Results 50 comments of Yangff

> recompile a higher glibc version You can install glibc to another location and execute its ld.so directly to bypass the interp, or modify the .interp of PalServer via patchelf....

> Have you not been using clang-format I've not formated the code yet. > What's the status of the GUI ? I do not have a desktop env for linux...

Btw, I'm not sure https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/blob/main/deps/first/Input/include/Input/Handler.hpp#L38 why the m_key_sets is defined as a vector of a map of a vector.. a map `(map` for example ) should be enough for mapping...

The Handler's interface to Lua remains unchanged, but its Handler now only contains logic of processing of generic input events of key+modifier and dispatch them to the registered functions... I'm...

pushed code that's formatted. Basically everything I wanted to implement under this PR is here. The CI scripts can currently be used to build the Linux version, and it's not...

> 能否给个完整的 project demo ,我调试下 我又想了一下应该是编译出来了,x86_64-unknown-none的主要问题可能是x86_64-unknown-none和x86_64-linux-gnu会被xmake认为是两个架构没法链接在一起,等我去看的时候他已经把东西删了。所以就算强行install了之后编译rust项目的时候用的tuple还是错的。 https://github.com/Yangff/xmake_rust_no_std 但是,如果去掉 `set_arch`,xmake在编译提取依赖的空项目的时候会失败,会提示 ``` = note: /usr/sbin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13.2.1/../../../../lib/Scrt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' /usr/sbin/ld: (.text+0x21): undefined reference to `__libc_start_main' collect2: error:...

> 没必要去用 xmake rust那边我可以生成正常的`.a`,主要是为了c/c++那边可以把它链接上,类似cmake那边corrosion的用法。

> 是我这 ructc 版本太低了 应该是,allocator api还是nightly。你可以 在features 里把 "allocator" and "nightly_api" 关掉或者把这些代码都删了随便塞个什么东西给allocator…… 因为用不用这个包不重要,我只是从我自己的项目里复制了一下。 ……不过删了还是有点麻烦,建议还是直接nightly吧

可能要把 ```rust #[panic_handler] #[cfg(not(test))] fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { loop {} } // rust_eh_personality #[no_mangle] #[cfg(not(test))] extern fn rust_eh_personality() {} ``` 这个加上

不过就算不加,用了nightly的话我这里也可以进到这一步 linux-no-std: ``` xmake f note: install or modify (m) these packages (pass -y to skip confirm)? in cargo: -> cargo::rsystem latest [main:n, std:n, cargo_toml:"/home/yangff/Project/xmake_rust_no_std/rsystem/Cargo.toml"] please input: y (y/n/m) y...