
Results 50 comments of Yangff

实际上的话会有两个问题,如果我使用 `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` 作为target,然后在cargo.toml里面加 ``` [profile.release] panic = "abort" ``` 因为xmake会使用main.rs编译可执行文件,因为找不到 `__libc_start_main`的符号而失败,尽管在这里就不应该有 `__libc_start_main`. 然后,如果试图用 `x86_64-unknown-none` 作为target,在package.lua里面fetch package的时候会因为 ``` else print(system) print(self:is_thirdparty()) print(self:is_cross()) print(self:plat(), self:arch()) -- only fetch it from the xmake...

去掉 `is_cross()` 的话,在编译实际的rust代码的时候,似乎不会带上arch,导致cargo和rustc使用不同的arch tuple。

> This is really cool but we are working on moving over to UE's platform system for generic platform strings, etc. So, a lot of your systemstring work will be...

Made some progress and this porting is now working on the palworld linux server at least for `NotifyOnNewObject`, `RegisterHook`, `StaticFindObject` and `FindFirstOf` . It is still missing some functions signature...

> That's awesome! UEPlatform doesn't have the generic platform string abstractions yet but I'll prioritize that. I previously just tried bringing over the string stuff so hopefully I can find...

> Note for reviewers in the future: At one point in time, several workflow files were removed in this PR ([b03265f](https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/commit/b03265ffedbffa6654eb68e6ccc56e3212c0affe)) so if this PR makes it to the point...

> That's awesome! UEPlatform doesn't have the generic platform string abstractions yet but I'll prioritize that. I previously just tried bringing over the string stuff so hopefully I can find...

I think multiple character types are still needed in every sense, with or without FString. This is because of the following platform limitations: 1. UE will always use u16, however...

> @Yangff > > Glad to see someone interested in linux port! > > I tried to do some testing of this implementation but I got stucked. In case this...

@Sasurtio Regarding the libc version, I think maybe the version requirement could be lowered to 2.17, but I'm not so sure that because ue4ss itself uses a lot of c++17/20...