
Results 8 comments of cpbee

I have got the docsheet about the new tag , But I do not use the library now.

Hope to . I was wonder which device I can use the library to test my code? A android device?

能提供下 json 加载本地数据么?

@sHow8e 同样的报错, 试了降级arco-cli 到1.26.1 仍然有该报错. 尝试更换项目模版为Lerna Monorepo 项目, 可以正常创建. 可能是Arco Pro 项目 完整版的项目模版有问题

✔ 获取项目模板成功 ✖ 模板内容拷贝失败 Error: Failed to copy project content. npm WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead. at module.exports (/Users/xxx/.arco_template_cache/1655866634338/node_modules/arco-design-pro-vue/.arco-cli/init.js:25:13) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/arco-cli/node_modules/arco-cli-create-project/lib/index.js:129:23 at Generator.next () at fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/arco-cli/node_modules/arco-cli-create-project/lib/index.js:5:58) at processTicksAndRejections...

> @biezhi 谢谢推荐,因为是示例图片,所以并没有做什么处理,这可能是慢的原因。你的终端可否大开开发工具看看是否有什么异常,config文件是否正确配置了呢? Mac 下确实只有背景图.