Ling Yang

Results 8 comments of Ling Yang

> It seems totally failed. I did not meet this problem before. Did you load all pre-trained weights as instructed? yes, i load the pre-trained weights and besides i test...

> I cannot locate your issue. Maybe provide your full testing log could help. this is the log of first evaluation of my initial model: ========== Args:Namespace(arch='vgg16', cache_size=1000, data_dir='/data/yangling/datasets', dataset='pitts',...

> I cannot locate your issue. Maybe provide your full testing log could help. if you have retested the model rightly, could you please zip your local folder and send...

> It shows that resume='', indicating that you did not load any model weights. this is my training log, so resume=''

> It shows that resume='', indicating that you did not load any model weights. And this is my testing log, the model is downloaded from your provided url: Use GPU:...

> It shows that resume='', indicating that you did not load any model weights. I think whether some default settings about dataset preprocessing are wrong with your current code, because...

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