Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/panpan/Desktop/unet-master/main.py", line 15, in model = unet() File "/home/panpan/Desktop/unet-master/model.py", line 35, in unet merge6 = merge([drop4,up6], mode = 'concat', concat_axis = 3) TypeError: 'module'...
I have just come into contact with deep learning, may I ask how I should modify this code if I want to do the binary classification of grayscale images, such...
when i run the train_vent.py ,it has an error : no such file or directory: './results/vent/results_dict.npy ' could you tell me how to deal it ? thank you.
Thank you very much for your code I have a question, is the xray data set how to implement sequence processing Is it a case study? Or does a patient...
hello I have a problem running the program > runntimeerror cudnn_status_not_initialized Can you tell me how to solve it
您好, 我看到了你们组内的一个文章;"Structure Boundary Preserving Segmentation for Medical Image With Ambiguous Boundary“我觉得里边的内容很好,但是在实验部分,我有个疑问,是关于这个t-test的计算,我想问一下作者,是如何计算这个t-test的呢?可以详细说明一下么?