hello, I cannot find the binary file, can you pass it to me? Thank you!
I use the keras version 1.1.1 and tensorflow 0.10 is not fit to your new updated program, there is a problem:`raise TypeError("List of Tensors when single Tensor expected") TypeError: List...
Hi, i'm interested in training MobileNet openpose, could you give me some advices? Thanks for your help.
Hello, i tested the COCO datasets with CornerNet-Squeeze on Titan Xp , the average time is 60ms. Sorry, i cannot understand the time of mine is double as your test...
转换命令: paddle2onnx --model_dir=./models --model_filename=model.pdmodel --params_filename=model.pdiparams -- save_file=./models/inference.onnx --opset_version=11 --enable_onnx_checker=True --enable_dev_version True 版本: paddlepaddle-gpu: 2.4.2.post112 paddle2onnx: 1.0.6 ``` 报错: [Paddle2ONNX] Start to parse PaddlePaddle model... [Paddle2ONNX] Model file path: ./models/model.pdmodel [Paddle2ONNX]...
hello, I train my data with your code with successful,but I meet a problem for i cannot how to use the model to train my data,thanks!