Syam Kishore

Results 49 comments of Syam Kishore

try for the permission in following way, `const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);`

@R4DIC4L Can you please let us know up to what version of android permissions need to be mentioned in Androidmanifest.xml?

@marf is there any official note regarding this? if so, Can you please ping me the link?

@ammarahm-ed Thank you for your response. Can you please check that I am doing in right way? PushNotification.configure({ onRegister: function (token) { onNotification: function (notification) { notification.finish(PushNotificationIOS.FetchResult.NoData); } onRegistrationError: function(err)...

I have just started using this library for my new application and this message concerned me a bit. is it ok to continue with library?

@denisk20 you can try [expo-splash-screen]( which is quite easy compared to native splash screen.

@vinstah You solution worked for me (Y)

@codychan5 what alternative do you have?

@codychan5 > really depends on what you are working on.. I am working a project that detects poses on react native, thought of using tensor flow react native adapter...