Dirk Avery

Results 21 comments of Dirk Avery

I haven't seen all the possible places where this can be an issue. However, I can give the context of [one place](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/9090). A list (or set) of name/value pairs. If...

> I found the terraform-provider-aws docs to be kinda disappointing We're always looking for ideas on ways to improve. If you have some themes, let us know!

Can you provide your configuration?

I've found 4 places where normalization/equivalence vs. drift/meaningful changes affects the AWS provider. As for impact, we have approximately 11 open issues with a combined 400 upvotes that relate to...

@apparentlymart `ImportStateVerify` is definitely not our primary concern. See [my comment](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/issues/70#issuecomment-982832869) above where I've amplified. Also, I've found that by using `jsonencode()` and being careful, I can avoid ISV problems....

Thank you @apparentlymart and @bflad for the comments and thought on this!! It's helped a lot in thinking about it. For now, our approach will be to solve the `Read`...

I think this is a good idea. Nothing worse than errors introduced from multiple ways to do the same thing.

@brittandeyoung Thanks for your work on this! After a quick skim, it's looking very promising. We've also been thinking about how to test. Testing is important but there is precedent...

Here's a regex that can be helpful for finding db instance classes in the tests and docs: ``` db\.[a-z]{1,2}\d[a-z]?\.[a-z0-9]{0,4}(large|medium|small|micro|nano) ```

For future travelers that may stumble here. ### The Error If I used pure Git to create a remote, fetch a fork, and checkout a fork branch that I wanted...