Yajana N Rao

Results 10 issues of Yajana N Rao

Hi, Is there any plan to support [netease music ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetEase_Music) or QQ Music.

feature request

Try setup desktop support to react native app. https://microsoft.github.io/react-native-windows/

help wanted
good first issue

Instead of getting data from json files hosted fetch data from a online database Options Firebase A hosted python server

## Environment ## Description I am trying to create a vertical Slider. Based on #65 I got to know that transform can be used for this. Using transform I am...

bug report
help wanted

I have configured to upload apk after build in github actions. I get text instead of file ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38914337/87253584-053b4700-c49a-11ea-9cd3-03bc95e8c866.png) This is what I get ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38914337/87253617-4c293c80-c49a-11ea-8775-8ae882b6c569.png) This is the log ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38914337/87253685-bfcb4980-c49a-11ea-81ec-62118580aeb7.png)

Added Hey Linda Free Meditation App for Hacktober contribution.

I want to update the metadata of a media file. Is there a way to do it ?

Need to add storybook for the component library which is inside `packages/components`. Components are already there, we need a simple solution to explore them via storybook. Tasks: - Add storybook...


I am thinking of creating a github action for bumping patch and minor on merge to develop and main respectively. Thoughts and contributions are welcome. Currently this is the part...


Instead to sending the track progress from Native to JS, creating a View manager to display progress and update the view manager from the native code. Note: Refer SeekBar implementation.
