
Results 7 issues of Yadro

## Project URL https://github.com/Yadro/time-tracker ## Category productivity ## Description Added TimeTracker - todo list with stopwatch on each task. ## Why it should be included to `Awesome macOS open source...

Функции, содержащие другие функции в теле работают, но после повторного открытия приложения возникает ошибка и функция исчезает из списка. `Невозможно загрузить: AFunction{name='b', parameterNames=[], content='c()'}` версия `v2.1.4 и 2.1.3`

I'm using it in Yandex Browser on macOS. ![Снимок экрана 2021-12-16 в 10 17 48](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3994873/146325885-d4cb9030-c1d6-4a8d-b5eb-d805fb04b910.png)

Hi @jaquadro! Can I change scale of window with drawing by `drawBatch`? I want to create effect like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3994873/36630056-148bf370-1971-11e8-8459-af5495cabb91.png)

Replaced regular expression `\p{Lu}` instead `[A-Z]` for supporting Cyrillic letters. You can check this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/character-classes-in-regular-expressions#SupportedUnicodeGeneralCategories