hello! Thanks for your nice shapenet chairs dataset! And I want to use your pipeline to create other types of objects in shapenet. When I want to modify config.py, I...
And which python version do you use? Because when I pip install opencv_python=,I found that opencv_python= is not supported in python 3.7.1.
Thanks you for your reply. Now I have solve the problems above with your help. One more problem is that the materials from Adobe Stock and Polligon are not free,...
Thanks,that may also help a lot. Could you send me the meterial you own? If I use the different materials from yours, should I modify the code or retrain the...
Hello, I have emailed to [email protected] and [email protected]. Are they right email addresses?
Hello, keunhong! When I use this file: https://github.com/keunhong/photoshape/blob/master/src/terial/classifier/rendering/create_inferred_blend_files.py to create a inferred blend file, I meet a error like this: FileNotFoundError: /data/lab-chen.yongwei/photoshape/data/materials-500x500/adobe-stock/metal/AdobeStock_176327040/aluminium_scratched.mdl It seems that it can't find the material....
Hello, I have solved this problem by make a copy in my Google Drive Disk. It can be downloaded now.