
Results 3 issues of Takoyaki

I met a problem when running this line: '''convert_rst_discourse_tb ~/corpora/rst_discourse_treebank ~/corpora/treebank_3‘’‘ `WARNING:Warnings related to minor issues that are difficult to resolve will be logged for the following files: file1.edus, file5.edus,...

while running this line `sh script/redial/eval/redial_rec_eval.sh` in C2-CRS, I meet this error `AssertionError: [ Checksum for cc.en.300.zip from https://pkueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/franciszhou_pku_edu_cn/Ee3JyLp8wblAoQfFY7balSYB8g2wRebRek8QLOmYs8jcKw?download=1 does not match the expected checksum. Please try again. ]` How...

for i in range(len(self.attention_layers)): seqs = torch.transpose(seqs, 0, 1) Q = self.attention_layernorms[i](seqs) mha_outputs, _ = self.attention_layers[i](Q, seqs, seqs, attn_mask=attention_mask) # key_padding_mask=timeline_mask # need_weights=False) this arg do not work? seqs =...