+1 the same question, Do you fix this problem ?
打开anaconda prompt,运行 python -m visdom.server,之后打开浏览器访问:http://localhost:8097/ 如果是远程访问服务器想在本地端口使用visdom使用可视化可以参考我的博客:https://blog.csdn.net/Coca_Cola_k/article/details/94585081
I wanna know how can you get the PSNR, When I test with this command, I can only get the restored picture, but I can not get the PSNR
Do you fix it? I also want to know how do you get the SSIM, just run the test.py?
I test with GoPro dataset 1080×720, My result is SSIM 0.799 PSNR 25.5 much lower than the paper