I was able to replicate this on the latest Geyser spigot and latest Floodgate with Paper 1.19. It seems that these changes made by the debug stick do not show...
Yea that would kind of require rewriting a stupidly large amount of code... It's not like you can just change a word in a file and it'll just magically work,...
I think discord invites show member count, but that might be member count when the invite was created. If it contains a dynamic member count then we can have it...
If this was in Java i'd probably be able to do it but i only know js 😅
I figured out how you can do this, if you query https://discord.com/api/invites/{invitecode}?with_counts=true it'll return a json object that contains "approximate_member_count":1332, "approximate_presence_count":429 approximate member count is the member count, approximate presence...
> It's not. On a vanilla server, its help menu appears correctly. Is there something that is preventing this command from passing through to the java server?
Yeah we looked at that, it was even made by a geyser contributor, but we know what to do now to make it a full java f3 screen
Thanks for the idea though
yeah we have an idea of exactly how, notnotnotswipez is researching bedrock behaviour and resource packs to find a way to do it, maybe overwriting the paper doll function (luke...
Feature request label please?